Ripon Cycling Club : About the Club

Ripon Cycling Club (RCC)

Ripon Cycling Club is an inclusive club and welcomes prospective members irrespective of ability.  We offer a range of rides suitable for different levels of ability and stamina and hope that all members will find rides that are suitable for them.

Many members have started with the leisure rides and then with improved fitness, and bike performance, have moved on to longer and faster rides.

Most of the rides are local to North Yorkshire and explore the beautiful countryside that is on our doorstep.  Rides generally start at 9.30am and last for 3-5 hours including a cafe stop.

We also offer a number of "away day", 2-3 day rides and holidays during the course of the year.  In the past members have ridden the higher peaks of the Pyrenees, cycled from Edinburgh to London, completed the Coast to Coast in a day and much more.

We are affiliated as a Club to British Cycling but individual members are encouraged to take out their own 3rd party liability cover/insurance.